


Get more music & sounds with SoundCloud.

Find new and trending music. Collect tracks and playlists. Follow your friends and artists. Discover podcasts, comedy and news.

Wherever you are. Whatever you do. You can listen to more with the SoundCloud app.

More hip hop. More rock. More electronic music. More classical music. More house, jazz, audiobooks, sports…


– Discover trending music and Trend Audio streams
– Search for songs, artists and other users directly
– Follow your friends and artists and listen to their posts
– Browse songs by genre
– Listen to your streams from anywhere using WiFi or data
– Play, pause and skip tracks from the lock screen
– Login or register with Facebook and Google
– Record audio. Share on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr.
– Tag recordings with location information
– Listen to playlists or create your own and share with your followers


It’s easy to dive right in and start discovering music & audio.

Browse the Explore section to find trending music & audio in every genre you can think of.

Tap the heart to ‘like’ as you explore and save your favorites for later.

The search page lets you find your favorite songs and artists. You can listen to the new music released by your favorite artists on your own Stream by following their profiles.



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